Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2008 2009

Details for Mechanism ID: 6009
Country/Region: Dominican Republic
Year: 2008
Main Partner: U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: Own Agency
Funding Agency: HHS/CDC
Total Funding: $869,450

Funding for Management and Operations (HVMS): $869,450

CDC is in the process of establishing a new agency presence in the DR, including opening a physical office.

CDC had anticipated directly hiring two professional LES staff, a Senior Laboratory Program Advisor and a

Strategic Information Coordinator, as part of the FY07 budget, however the late release of FY07 funds has

delayed this process to FY08 and the two positions remain vacant at this time. New for FY08, CDC plans

to create two positions (a driver and an adminsitrative assistant) to support CDC programs in the DR.

The Senior Laboratory Program Advisor will be funded through HLAB program funds and will provide expert

scientific and technical laboratory support to the USG PEPFAR DR country team; guide policy and

programs affecting the establishment and provision of public health and clinical laboratory services in

support of the PEPFAR-supported prevention, surveillance, treatment, and care programs in the DR;

provide TA on laboratory systems analysis and developmental planning, operational research, and

laboratory quality assurance; identify and develop appropriate infrastructure and resources necessary to

support local laboratory systems, evaluate laboratory programs and services, provide leadership in

developing scientific policy on laboratory practice for services and systems for HIV prevention, surveillance,

treatment, and care; and establish an M&E system for laboratory services.

The Strategic Information Coordinator will be funded through HVSI program funds and will oversee CDC's

DR program; plan, coordinate, monitor and evaluate project activities; assist GODR to develop and enhance

the HIV/AIDS strategic information system and its use for decision-making, focusing on quality surveillance

information, monitoring and evaluation, health management information systems and laboratory capacity;

provide in-country management assistance to GODR for PEPFAR-supported initiatives; represent the CDC

on the USG/DR PEPFAR team; monitor the CDC\DR country budget; oversee the technical and

administrative aspects of CDC's DR program; provide technical assistance for special studies; monitor CDC

staff; and support improvement of the PMTCT program, especially its M&E.

In addition, new for FY08 funds, CDC will be hiring administrative support by way of an Administrative

Assistant and a Driver. The Administrative Assistant will manage the logistics of operating the DR office,

provide basic office secretarial support, manage technical staff schedules; and handle small meeting

logistics. The Driver will maintain and operate the CDC vehicle, and drive CDC staff and visitors to and from

meetings and events. Although for FY07 and FY08 CDC has planned significant strategic information

activities, the vast majority of these activities are in furtherance of a two-year plan that will not be continued

in FY09 planning. Therefore, both the Administrative Assistant and the Driver will be funded through HLAB

program funds. Although CDC has no money planned for management and staffing, we included a zero

dollar entry in order to open space to include this activity narrative.

CDC has discussed its plans with the Embassy and has confirmed that it will incur no ICASS or other "cost

of doing business" expenses in the DR for FY08. Similarly, CDC has confirmed that there will be no

charges from CDC for computer support in the DR.